We are delighted to have ongoing partners who support our Foundation where portions of sales from products are donated to the Foundation.
We have a Kindness Champ every month from APCO’s corporate partners. They donate an amount of money to The APCO Foundation from the sale of one or several of their products in every APCO cafe24-7 store.
We are extremely grateful for this support and duly acknowledge these partners:

Our Water: On sale at all APCO Service Stations, 10c from every Chill Water bottle sold is donated to The APCO Foundation.
Our Coffee: Purchase a coffee on a Tuesday from APCO cafe24-7 and 22c will donated to The APCO Foundation.
Our Engine oils: Buy the superior quality APCO Oil from any APCO Service Station to donate 10c from every purchase.
Our Donation Boxes: On every counter at every APCO there is a donation box for our customers to place a donation to help those in need in their local community. A great way to offload loose change too

The APCO Foundation raises funds from within the Victorian communities and allocates them on a monthly basis via our Board.
There is an application form for organisations and individuals that can be filled out or you can email us with a request to foundation@apco.com.au
The APCO Foundation is a local, autonomous not-for-profit organisation, with our own volunteer Board of Directors who all have different strengths and have an understanding of the issues facing our local communities.
The money raised and distributed by the APCO Foundation must be approved by our Board and we try to establish a proof of need before applications are approved.
For more information about The APCO Foundation and its Board, click here